Falls among older adults are a public health concern worldwide.
According to the World Health Organization, about a third of older adults fall each year.
In Canada, falls are the leading cause of injury among older adults with 20-30% seniors experiencing one or more falls each year.
Falls cause 85% of seniors' injury-related hospitalizations, 95% of all hip fractures, $2 billion a year in direct healthcare costs, and over one third of seniors are admitted to long-term care following hospitalization for a fall.
According to hospitalization data, from 2008/2009 to 2019/2020 (from the Canadian Institute for Health Information’s - CIHI), the number of fall-related hospitalizations of older adults increased 47%.
Fifty percent of all falls causing hospitalization happen at home.
Falls can result in chronic pain, reduced mobility, loss of independence and even death.
The goods news? Falls and fall-related injuries among older adults are preventable!
Come find out how to prevent falls on November 22, 2023 from 2-3pm at Central Library with Anne Svetik-Jones, BFHT Physiotherapist.
Anne will provide tips and strategies to prevent falls; demonstrates how to safely get up from the floor; practices some general exercises to help keep you strong and steady; and highlights local free and low-cost community programming aimed at improving your function and mobility.
For more information, and additional resources on how you can prevent falls (including educational handouts) refer to the Public Health Agency of Canada's "Surveillance Report on Falls Among Older Adults in Canada" (September 14, 2022), and visit www.fallpreventionmonth.ca